In today’s global business community, companies are continually looking to tech for a more streamlined hiring process. We have seen numerous employers conduct interviews via mobile and digital, with Skype now a commonplace option for video interview. If you’re a candidate that hasn’t come across this platform before, here are some tips to give yourself the best chance at success…
- Think about the background
It’s you who has to stand out so don’t pick a location that’s loud, cluttered or garish. A quiet setting and light-coloured backdrop will keep you front and centre, ensuring you’re remembered for all the right reasons.
- Consider your tech
Nobody wants to worry about technical difficulties when they’re trying to prepare for an interview. Do a trial run in your chosen environment, and note whether your internet signal is strong enough there. Risk losing connectivity on the day, and risk losing your train of thought.
- Dress appropriately
Since the interviewer is unlikely to be seeing your bottom half, there can be a temptation to forgo proper attire. You may not need to be suited and booted, but dressing for your audience is a smart way to show you’re taking the process seriously. Do your research on the company, and blend in.
- Speak clearly and concisely
Long, rambling sentences don’t translate well over this medium. Keep your answers brief but smartly worded – and be mindful of volume. Asking the interviewers if they can hear you okay is a good way to gauge whether you’re whispering or deafening!