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What 30 Years of the World Wide Web has Taught us About Cyber Security

13 March 2019

by Megan Walsh

It was this week in 1989 when British computer programmer Tim Berners-Lee proposed the notion for an ‘information management system’ – the first step in what would become the lifeblood of the 21st century.

But this week, while the world has celebrated the birth of the web as we know it, its creator says he understands why people no longer see its presence as a ‘force for good’.

In an open letter he says the internet is being negatively affected by three main areas of dysfunction: the viral spread of misinformation, a lack of data protection and the ever-important issue of cyber security.

“While the web has created opportunity, given marginalised groups a voice and made our daily lives easier,” said Berners-Lee, “it has also created opportunity for scammers … and made all kinds of crime easier to commit.”

It’s true – with more than half the world’s population online, the threat of online hackers and cyber criminals is at an all-time high for businesses around the world.

An increasing number of businesses are investing in artificial intelligence and virtual banking, so the growing need for advanced cyber security is more important than ever before.

In a recent study released by it was revealed that only 38% of global organisations say they are equipped to handle a complex cyber-attack. That leaves a staggering 68% of companies at severe risk of cybercrime.

It’s a scary thought. But for candidates in the cyber market, these shocking statistics present a huge window of opportunity.

The Bureau of Labour Statistics estimated a 28% growth for cyber careers, making it one of the fastest-growing industries. And as more companies address the need for advanced cyber security, demand for candidates will grow – and opportunities will multiply.

The time for cyber security is now. And if you're looking for your next career move, Oliver James Associates is here to help. Our specialist team of consultants has unrivalled access to the most premier job listings on the market and will help you you find the role best suited to you.To discuss your future in cyber security, contact Ben Baillie-Lane on +44 203 861 9159 or send him an email at

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