Ken Maeda specializes in providing project solutions, technical consultants, and recruitment services for the ERP and CRM market throughout the US and in today’s blog provides an insight into what the market can expect from OJ and what the future looks like for OJ Charlotte.
Ken, can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?
I have worked in the recruitment industry for over 13 years’ and moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, in 2009. I am OJ’s Vice President for the southeast region and focus on overseeing our services to ensure we provide genuine project solutions and the best talent to clients, while also providing the best opportunities to candidates across the markets we serve.
What made OJ Charlotte attractive to you?
Charlotte is one of the fastest growing cities in the US and there is an abundance of talent and fast-paced growth in the business economy. OJ stood out to me as they are a well-established player in the recruitment industry. They are renowned for developing long-standing relationships and can leverage their global resources to ensure local consultants deliver exceptional service to their clients and candidates.
There is a tremendous opportunity for OJ to support North Carolina with talent shortages. We can truly help businesses solve complex project solutions by providing them with an unparalleled service, while also expanding the size and diversity of the talent pools they have access to.
As the Vice President of OJ Charlotte, what will you be responsible for?
I am responsible for the southeast region of the US and my main aim is to continue to drive OJ’s impeccable service across the North Carolina Technology market, focusing particularly on ERP and CRM, ensuring OJ provides the best talent and project solutions to businesses, and the best opportunities to candidates.
I will also oversee a growing team of consultants and I will work to expand the team further over coming months.
Which markets will you be serving?
The team and I will provide project solutions and recruitment services across Technology, Risk and Compliance, Data, and the Actuarial market across the southeast.
We have opportunities to hire early career professionals that are looking to gain valuable experience and grow professionally to very niche specialities within our core disciplines.
What type of businesses do you work with?
We work with businesses that are looking for project resources and consultants across all industries within our specialties. OJ can provide value added services in recruitment process outsourcing and project services.
What can the North Carolina market expect from the team at OJ Charlotte?
North Carolina can expect a world-class service that always puts people at the forefront. OJ will always go above and beyond to make sure we support and bring value to the clients and candidates we serve.
Where do you see the North Carolina market in 5-10 years’ time?
I think Charlotte will continue to become one of the major cities in the US business economy, continuing to attract corporate headquarters, company expansions, and technology businesses.
The cost of living and quality of life makes Charlotte a very appealing place to live, so I can only see this continuing to grow.
What are you most looking forward to?
I am looking forward to seeing our team grow throughout our venture in Charlotte. Although a start-up office comes with a variety of different challenges, the journey is what I am really excited about; the path our team is going to go on, the people we will hire, the personal relationships that we will build, and the impacts we will make in the market.
5 years from now, I want OJ to be the best recruitment and project solutions company in North Carolina in terms of reputation, relationships, and delivery of service – as well as to work for!
What opportunities are there for people wanting to work at OJ?
OJ is continuing to expand rapidly within the US, and we are recruiting for a wide range of opportunities in Charlotte; delivery consultants, recruitment consultants, business development roles – the opportunities are endless.
It is a very exciting time to join and work with OJ!
For more information on all things OJ Charlotte, contact the team at